Friday, August 1, 2014

August 1, 2014 and Young Living Joy Essential oil

Good Morning!  It's Friday and I thought that this lovely Young Living oil would be a perfect topic for a Friday.  Most people love the idea of "Friday" because it means what they had to do to make a living is done for another week and they are "free" for 2 days until the cycle continues all over again on Monday.

So what does it mean to have Joy?  I think JOY can be very elusive.  In our society today we are all so busy doing that we don't make enough time to just BE.  I know this last 1 1/2 years as I worked a full time job and grew a business I felt very little JOY.  I decided a few months ago that I wanted JOY to be ever present in my life.  There are so many little things we miss when we are busy doing that they slip right by us.

I am going to challenge myself and you too if you decide to find more JOY in life.  Like today there was JOY in talking to not one but two neighbors as I was walking with TEDDY this morning.  I found JOY as the sun was shining and I looked around and saw beauty. 

Our life while here on this earth is a gift friends.  Too often at the end of the day there are regrets.  Let's not be that person.  When we go to sleep at the end of the day lets know deep down inside us that we have lived our best day yet free from regrets.  And when we get up the next morning we are going to do it all over again.  How great is that?

Well back to the picture if you would like to learn more about these amazing oils and other products then keep following me here and you can check me out at :

Until the next time be blessed and feel JOY!

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