Monday, September 2, 2019

Day 3 of Maria's Dating 101 (Know Your Worth)

Happy Labor Day Sweet Ones!

I hope that today is a day of rest for you.  We all need some down time from our every day life.  If you are working then I hope the day is blessed with only goodness.

Now if you remember from yesterday, we spoke on STAYING the COURSE.  How did that feel for you when you were writing?  Some times it is difficult to stay focused.  We will always have distractions, but when we do, maybe we can glean a piece of knowledge from the distraction and own it as our own.

Today I thought I would share my thoughts and feelings on KNOW YOUR WORTH.  You are a beautiful soul.  You are meant to be on this earth at this time.  You are perfect just as you are. NEVER, and I mean NEVER let another person make you feel less than beautiful.  If you do my friends, you are giving your power away and we don't want that.

You have a lot to offer.  And I am not just speaking of when you are in a relationship with your partner.  I am talking about life.  You are created perfectly so you can fulfill the mission you are here for.  Sometimes that mission or purpose may take a while, but if you want to know what it is, you need to ask the the BIG GUY (God) or the Universe and if you get still you can discover what that purpose is.

During the dating season of your life, you may come across a lot of toads.  Let's face it, we are human and won't be attracted to or perfect for every person we date.  THAT'S OK.  You will be perfect for the one who is perfect for you.  And you know what?  You can't rush perfection, so you gotta be patient.  Even when it isn't easy.  Remember STAY THE COURSE.  It can help you here.

Okay, today's writing assignment - I hope by now you are keeping the notebook and pen close by.  Writing is good for our souls.  Today I am going to ask you to join me in writing about yourself.  Write down all the qualities you love about yourself.  Now, you are not writing about what you think someone else will think is good, you are writing about YOU.  It may be easier to write yourself a love note and tell yourself how much you love You.  This is important because when you KNOW YOUR WORTH, you won't settle for crap.  You are valuable and you deserve to have someone in your life that sees your value.

Today's dating tip:

Honesty is always the best policy.  Even when you think it may hurt someone else's feelings.  If you can't be honest, then you need to ask yourself why.

Until next time.


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