Sunday, November 8, 2015

Good Morning Dearhearts!

Gosh its been a while since I wrote last.  We are near the end of 2015 and all I can say is WOW!  It has been quite the year.  And, this morning I'm not even quite sure where to start to share how the 2nd half of 2015 has unfolded for me in the world of Abundant Blessings.

How about those two words "ABUNDANT BLESSINGS?"  Indeed I can say I AM Abundantly Blessed.  Always I feel taken care of - even when I am feeling low energy.  I know that Spirit is there to show me how to pick myself back up and continue on my path.

So, what is my path?  I remember almost 6 years ago when I was experimenting with the idea of creating a business name.  I took some time and ABUNDANT BLESSINGS HEALTH AND WELLNESS LLC unfolded for me.  

Abundant Blessings means many things to me:  sharing how essential oils and oily products may be a great additional to not only my life, my fur babes lives and also the lives of all those who are ready to experiment with something new.  Abundant Blessings also means teaching others how to use oils in making homemade products.  Well, at least giving others a place and the tools to get together with like-minded others and make homemade products.  Another aspect of Abundant Blessings is to offer people an opportunity to experience a Healing Touch or Raindrop session.  This year I added the MNA  Superfood Smoothies to the world of Abundant Blessings.

So what am I saying here?  In the beginning when Abundant Blessings was starting I was working full time and then for about a year I experimented with focusing on the business full time.  I quickly learned that there were many aspects I missed about being out in the work force.  SO, I went back to work for a company which I am enjoying a great deal.  Does this mean I am giving up or letting go of my Dream?

Absolutely NOT!  What Spirit and the Universe have shown me this year along with many other lessons is to trust them.  Each day I do my BEST to connect with Spirit during my walks or in meditation so I know what is best for me and the babes to LIVE THE BLESSED LIFE.  That really is the end goal for me.  

Does it look like I thought it would?  Not really.  And you want to know what?  I'm really happy this morning.  I have a warm home to live in.  I have food to keep me moving forward.  I have my health and my babes are healthy.  I could keep going on with the list and my intention here is that you see what I am sharing with you.  I AM BLESSED.

So, when you find your dream and it turns in a different direction my Dearhearts - SEE the unlimited possibilities the new direction has in store for you.  Be excited and open your heart to all the new and happy energy this new direction may give you.

Have a spectacular week and May your Blessings be Abundant!


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Good Morning and Happy Sunday Dearhearts!  How have you been this week?  What has been unfolding in your own lives as you continue on your path?  Is it everything you dreamed it would be?  I have found lately that what I thought would be my goal has shifted.  I find myself in a place of re-discovery.  Now, at one time in my life I would have been fearful of this change in direction in my life.  However, today I can say I wake up and feel excited and filled with wonder.

There are those of us who like life to stay the same because we know what to expect.  When change arrives in our lives it creates anxiety or stress because it is unfamiliar. Today I would encourage you to come along with me on this journey of re-discovery.  Let's make it exciting and fun.  Let's make every moment count while we are moving on our journey.  

Life may throw us surprises and what we thought our dreams were or are may change.  I'm here to share with you that all of that is PERFECT.  Think about it.  If it wasn't suppose to happen then it wouldn't right?  So, the flip side of that is true.  If it is happening right now to you - it is suppose to happen.  That being said, let's just roll with it.  Like the waves on the ocean, it is much easier to go with the flow of the water than against it.  

I'm inviting you to be BRAVE.   Smile, laugh and know that there is a power far larger than we could ever imagine guiding us as we move through our lives.  Worry, fear and doubt only hold us back.  Don't even entertain those feelings.  That's easy, I'm inviting you to be filled with faith, open your heart and mind to the very possibility that you are here on this earth to do something GREAT!  Now go out and play, experiment and discover your greatness today!  

Make sure to share with us what is unfolding in your GREAT, MARVELOUS AND EXCITING story you are embarking on.  We want to hear and CELEBRATE in your SUCCESS!

Until next time :)
May your Blessings be Abundant and may your path be filled with Unlimited Potential.


Pictured below is some Pretty from my flower Gardens to remind you how Beautiful you are.